Monday 19 November 2012

An interview with Mark Tufo, Author of Zombie Apocalypse book series

Mark Tufo Interview
Mark Tuffo is an author, who has wrote a successful Zombie apocalypse series called Zombie Fallout there is at current seven books in this series. He recently got nominated for a good reads choice award as well. Zombie Fallout follows a premise that a defective vaccine for the swine flu epidemic we had a few years back kills and reanimated 95% of the world’s population. Michael Talbot is the main protagonist and fights his way through these books protecting friends and family. Mark also is the author of Indian Hill another book series, in the sci-fi genre.

I have here a few questions Mark has graciously agreed to answer for my blog.

Q. Hi Mark, first off how long have you been writing for?

A. Hi Daniel, first off thank you for taking the time to do an interview with me. As for how long I’ve been writing, if you’re talking professionally then three years. But I’ve always loved to write, even when I was in school and my classmates would groan about getting a creative writing assignment I would be smiling inwardly.

A few questions from my co-writer on this blog Mark,

Q. when did you realise you wanted to write horror?

A. I think sub-consciously it was the first time I read a Stephen King book back when I was maybe ten or eleven. I’m fascinated by the genre and it just seemed like a natural transition to write about it.

Q. And one more in an overcrowded sub-genre how do you keep things fresh?

A. I’ve received my fair share of criticism for NOT keeping my books going the traditional route. But I’ve always thought why would folks want to read the same thing over and over again? My books are character driven, I let them tell how the nature of the story is going to go and I think that is how I keep them fresh.

Back to me now

Q. What influences if any have had an impact on your work?

A. Some authors believe it to be a bitter pill to swallow and perhaps that they are above it, but constructive criticism has had a major impact on my work. I constantly strive to put out the best product that I can produce.

Q. What information can you give anyone who hasn’t read or is undecided on reading your series?

A. Well Zombie Fallout is a full length novel for 99 cents, you’ll know from that book if you want to go further into the series. The worst that anyone is out is an item off the value menu at McDonald’s. And I am saving them from eating that saturated fat. So read Zombie Fallout and stay healthy! I think that will be my new marketing campaign.

Q. How popular do you think literature is in the world at moment, as in popular, less popular or on the come back? In my views thanks to kindle/E-readers it’s making a come back

A. I’m with you on this one. I think before ebooks the written word was heading the way of 8 tracks and cassettes. E-readers have completely reenergized and simultaneously turned the literary community on its ear.

Q. Do you have a favourite book or series of books if so what is it?

A. I friggen love the Harry Potter books, there is also a series by John Christopher called the White Mountains, that I discovered in the 6th grade, I have been fascinated with Science Fiction since.

Q. I am currently trying my hand at writing I find it hard to concentrate on it for any long amount of time though, so I write it bit by bit on a blog, how do you stay focused or what are your tricks for sustained and successful writing?

A. Carving out time for writing in our busy lives can be difficult, there is ALWAYS other things to do. I have discovered that extremely loud music is my saving grace, it just drowns out the world around me and lets me focus on my craft.

Some fun questions now Mark if you would

Q. Do you have a Zombie Apocalypse plan?

A. Hell yeah, read Zombie Fallout 1.

Q. What is your favourite zombie film and/or series?

A. I love the Walking Dead, and I know some might groan at this but the Resident Evil franchise. But my props will always go to Mr. Romero who scared the crap out of an impressionable seven year old.

Q. I believe out of the major horror icons or even apocalypse settings that the zombie isn’t too far off in reality with all the chemicals and other types of ways zombies can be created isn’t it just an accident waiting to happen, what’s your views?

A. My hope is that the apocalypse does not happen. That’s right you read it here first. I do not think I am nearly as equipped to deal with it as my lead character Michael Talbot is. With that being said, do I believe we are heading to some sort of global disaster? Sadly I think we are.

Q. On that note you’ve used viral as your reanimate, is that your favourite reanimation way or do you like/prefer any of the following and what are your views, God/Supernatural, Chemical, Radiation, Voodoo or Extra-Terrestrial?

A. I love a good zombie story and I generally don’t get too hung up in the details of how it started, I suspend all believability anyway, as long as it’s SOMEWHAT plausible I’m cool with it.

Finally Mark

Q. Where do see your series and writing going in the future

A. As for the Zombie Fallout series, I’m not sure ZF6 just came out on October 1st and I had meant for that to be the last, but I left a few threads hanging so who knows. Currently I am writing my second paranormal book and ‘spreading’ my wings so to speak.

Thank you for the Interview Mark, is there anything you would like to add for your fans and readers of this?
Just a big hearty and sincere thank you to all of my fans and readers, without them I would just be some random guy slamming on a keyboard.

Again Daniel thank you for your time.
No problem Mark hope this gives your readers a little insight into your world and new comers a better understanding. Hope you've enjoyed the interview The Horror Nation peace out!


  1. Great interview. I look forward to see what's coming in the future!

  2. Nice to see Tufo getting the word out. I so enjoyed each book in the ZF series. Tufo's 'The Spirit Clearing' is worth a read too; if you like a good scare that is. Why didn't you ask if there are any new updates as to the production of ZF? I would have been curious to know...but good interview. From a 'Dear Reader'

    1. i did Dear reader :), asked the last question where does he see the series and writing going

  3. Good interview, should have asked Mark about ZF the movie: I believe the rights to it were bought by a production house.
